Wednesday 27 February 2019

1986 Porsche Slantnose 911 Targa - $89,995.00

1986 Porsche Slant Nose 911 Targa with wale tail is a rare find car, i have been told by my mechanic from his research there was only two made . they changed over to the 930 tubo' targa found lots of the 930's tubo's its black with blk inside leather, i just had the ac compete up dated to the new system all parts were replaced. the motor has be adjusted tuned up , new brakes, has daul exhaust, clip , sounds and runs like a tubo plenty of hr power. Owned it for 20 years brought it from a friend who had it for 5 years which he brought from his friend. this has been housed inside on carpet the last 20 years. my friend had it in side also in bubble with a fan. May of put 100 miles a year if that. Never been in the rain. Never been in an accident as long as my friend and I have had it. Had it painted to correct scratches it got on normal use parking lots. Please Note The Following **Vehicle Location is at our clients home and Not In Cadillac, Michigan. **We do have a showroom with about 25 cars that is by appointment only **Please Call First and talk to one of our reps at 231-468-2809 EXT 1 ** FREE Consignment Visit Our Site Today Easy To List Your Vehicle and Get it Sold in Record Time.


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